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Finding Your Hidden Reserves

by Paul Berdiner
Foreward by Dave Liniger, Co-Founder of RE/MAX

About the book.

Surrender to Win! It has been said that repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. And there will come a time when we have to learn that fighting old habits and thought patterns without really trying to change them is fruitless. But if we can give up the fight, victory is at hand. Each of us has within us the strength and the tools to not only cope with the daily challenges we all face — but to manage them in a positive way. 

Surrender to Win offers simple but extremely timely advice to tap those often hidden reserves of strength. Paul Berdiner, now a successful Pennsylvania businessman, didn’t know he had the strength and the firm, solid foundation to not only overcome his own struggles but to beat them soundly. But he did and with vigilance, he continues to do so. In Surrender to Win: Finding Your Hidden Reserves Berdiner explains how he gained the insight that helps him make hundreds of decisions each day – big and small – calmly, confidently and most importantly, positively. Here is what he learned.

About the author.

Paul Berdiner is the author behind Surrender To Win. He is a writer, Real Estate Broker and Investor. The Father of two children, Chase and Laine. Paul loves spending time with his family.

Paul’s 20+ year career in Real Estate has developed his passion – helping Real Estate agents grow their businesses. As you’ll read, Paul is a firm believer that with a solid foundation there are no life experiences that can keep you from succeeding.

RE/MAX Patriots

“Deeply heartfelt – Surrender to Win offers amazing insights into life and business from the eyes of a highly successful entrepreneur who at one time made a difficult decision that not only changed his life…but saved it.”

—  Stacey Alcorn
Entrepreneur, CEO mentor, and author of REACH!

“A comforting but powerful book on tapping into the solid foundations we all have but sometimes don’t realize.”

—  Dave Liniger
Co-founder of RE/MAX and New York Times best selling author of My Next Step

Surrender to Win is a reminder to us all that people can change. Paul Berdiner’s story offers proof that the world is abundant and rewards those who persevere and to those who are willing to surrender to find the best version of themselves.”

—  Tom Ferry
Strategist, business coach, and New York Times best selling author of Life By Design

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